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Broken Bones Attorney in Tinton Falls, NJ

Your broken bones injury in New Jersey deserve to heal with just compensation 

If you have recently suffered a broken bone due to someone else’s negligence, a broken bones attorney in Tinton Falls, NJ, can help you get the justice and compensation you deserve. The road to recovery can be long and costly, and having an experienced legal team to help you navigate the challenging process of seeking damages is crucial. 

At Kreizer Law, our team of dedicated attorneys embodies the values of integrity, strength, and commitment, allowing us to get the best possible outcome for our clients. We help clients throughout New Jersey who have suffered broken bones in accidents caused by the negligence of others. Do not wait until it is too late. Contact us today for a free consultation!

What is a Broken Bone Injury? 

A broken bone or a fracture is a common injury that affects various body parts. It happens when a bone is subjected to more force than it can withstand, causing it to crack or break. Broken bones are typically caused by traumatic events such as falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or physical assaults.

Common Types of Broken Bone Injury

There are different types of fractures, each with its own severity and treatment requirements. Some of the common types of fractures include:

  • Open fracture: This occurs when the broken bone punctures through the skin, causing an open wound. It is a severe type of fracture that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Closed fracture: This occurs when the broken bone does not puncture the skin. It is less severe than an open fracture but still requires medical attention.
  • Greenstick fracture: This occurs when the bone bends and cracks but does not break completely. It is more common in children whose bones are still developing and are more flexible.
  • Comminuted fracture: This occurs when the bone breaks into multiple pieces. It is a severe type of fracture that requires surgery to repair.
  • Stress fracture: This occurs when a bone is subjected to repeated stress over time, causing it to crack. It is common in athletes and people who engage in high-impact activities.

What Happens When Broken Bones Become a Legal Issue?

When a broken bone occurs due to the fault of another person, it can become a legal issue. In such cases, the injured person may be entitled to compensation for their damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from the injury.

Several factors must be considered to determine liability in a broken bone case. These factors include:

  • Negligence: If the injury was caused by another person’s negligence, such as a driver who ran a red light and caused a car accident resulting in a broken bone, the injured person can recover compensation.
  • Product liability: If the injury was caused by a defective product, such as a faulty ladder that collapsed and caused a broken bone, the injured person may be able to recover compensation from the manufacturer or seller of the product.
  • Premises liability: If the injury occurred on someone else’s property, such as a slip and fall accident resulting in a broken bone, the injured person can recover compensation from the property owner.
  • Intentional harm: If the injury was caused by intentional harm, such as an assault that resulted in a broken bone, the injured person may recover compensation from the person who caused the harm.

If you have suffered a broken bone due to the fault of another person, consult with an experienced personal injury attorney immediately. Kreizer Law can evaluate your case, determine the strength of your claim, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Broken Bone Legal Liabilities

Your fractured bone or long-term impairment might have been caused by someone else if the person or party responsible was:

  • An intoxicated, inattentive, or careless driver caused an accident that hurt you. 
  • A medical professional misunderstood your sickness, put off treatment, gave you the wrong treatment, or neglected to check on you when you were sick. 
  • An employee of a nursing facility disregarded safety precautions to prevent a patient from falling.
  • A school, camp, or sports facility where your child was unsupervised, there was hazardous equipment posing a safety risk, or staff members were not trained properly. 
  • A property or company owner failing to protect the public against slippery areas on their premises. 

How Can I File For a Broken Bone Injury?

If you have suffered a broken bone injury due to the fault of another person, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. There are several steps you should take to file a claim for a broken bone injury:

  • Seek medical attention: Get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan for your broken bone and document all medical expenses related to your injury.
  • Gather strong evidence: Collect and preserve any evidence related to your injury, such as photos of the accident scene, witness statements, police reports, and medical records.
  • Consult with a skilled personal injury attorney: Consult with an attorney with experience handling broken bone injury cases. An attorney can evaluate your case, determine the strength of your claim, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.
  • File a claim: Your attorney will file a claim with the insurance company of the person or entity responsible for your injury. The claim will include details of the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the damages you are seeking.
  • Negotiate a settlement: The insurance company may offer an agreement to compensate you for your damages. Your attorney will negotiate with them to ensure you receive a fair settlement covering all your losses.
  • File a lawsuit: The attorney may file a lawsuit against the responsible party if a settlement cannot be reached. The lawsuit will outline the details of your claim and seek compensation for your damages in court.

Remember there are time limits for filing a claim for a broken bone injury, known as the statute of limitations. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally two years from the date of the injury. 

Consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure your claim is filed within the appropriate time frame and obtain just compensation for your injuries. Kreizer Law can assist you in protecting your rights. Get in touch with us today to learn more about your legal options.

Why Do I Need a Broken Bones Attorney in Tinton Falls, NJ?

If you have suffered a broken bone injury in Tinton Falls, NJ, due to the fault of another person, you may be wondering why you need a broken bone lawyer. Here are some reasons why hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is critical:

  • They help protect your legal rights: A broken bones attorney can help you understand your legal rights and ensure they are protected. They can advise you on the best action steps and help you navigate the local legal system.
  • They investigate the accident: A broken bones lawyer can investigate the accident that caused your injury to determine who was at fault. They can collect evidence, interview witnesses, and consult with professionals to build a strong case on your behalf.
  • They can help maximize your compensation: A broken bones attorney can help you obtain the maximum compensation for your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from the injury.
  • They can negotiate with insurance companies: A broken bones lawyer can discuss with the insurance company to ensure you receive fair compensation for your damages. Insurance companies often try to minimize their payouts, but a competent attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.
  • They fully prepare for trial: A broken bones attorney can represent you in court and prepare your case for trial if a settlement cannot be reached. They can present evidence, argue on your behalf, and fight for your rights in court.
  • They can provide peace of mind: Hiring a broken-bones lawyer can give you peace of mind during a difficult and stressful time. They can handle the legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Call our Broken Bones Attorney in Tinton Falls, NJ, Now!

Seek legal representation from a skilled personal injury attorney if you or a loved one has suffered a broken bone due to the fault of another person. At Kreizer Law, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial impact of a broken bone injury, and we are committed to helping our clients recover the compensation they deserve.

When you choose Kreizer Law to represent you, you can trust that we will provide solid legal representation with personalized attention and compassionate guidance throughout the legal process. Aside from personal injury cases, we can also help you in other practice areas, such as: 

We will work closely with you to understand the specifics of your case, gather evidence, and build a firm legal strategy tailored to your unique needs. Do not hesitate to contact us today if you are facing legal issues related to a broken bone injury. Our attorneys are committed to helping you understand your legal rights and options, and we are here to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call our law firm to schedule a free consultation today! 

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