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What to Keep in Your Car in Case of an Accident?

While nobody expects their fun-filled summer day to be cut short by a car accident, it is important to be prepared in order to keep your friends and family safe should you be involved in even a minor fender-bender.

Here are some items to keep in your vehicle in case of an accident.

  • Proof of insurance – In New York and New Jersey, drivers are required to have proof of insurance anytime they operate their vehicle. Both states allow drivers to display electronic versions of proof of insurance. Your insurance card lists your policy number and all necessary insurance information that needs to be shared with the police and other drivers, should you be involved in an accident.
  • Vehicle registration – If you are in an accident or you are pulled over, you are required to present your vehicle registration to a police officer. However, law enforcement recommends keeping a copy of it in your wallet, rather than in your glovebox to avoid identify theft should your car be broken into.
  • Camera – Today most of us are equipped with smartphones that have built-in cameras. Should you get in an accident, providing your insurance company with pictures of the damage to your vehicle will help them process your claim more quickly and accurately.
  • Cell phone charger – Always keep a spare cell phone charger in your car to keep your phone battery full. Should you get in an accident, calling 911 for help should be your number one priority. Once the accident scene is secured, you can use your fully charged phone to take pictures of the damage to your vehicle.
  • Small notepad and pen/pencil – After being involved in a car accident, it may be difficult to keep track of all the information you will need to file an insurance claim. Keep some paper and pencils in your car to jot down the details of the accident, as well as the other driver’s insurance information, license plate number, and accounts of any eye witnesses.
  • Tire-changing kit – Many new cars do not include a spare tire or tire-changing kit; however, they can be purchased at almost any store that sells auto parts. A flat tire can be dangerous to drive on, but more often it is just a nuisance. If you have a flat tire, knowing how to swap it out for your spare can save you time and get you back on the road faster than waiting for roadside assistance.
  • First-aid kit – Even in minor car accidents, you may come away with scrapes and bruises due to broken glass and deployed air bags. Keeping a first-aid kit in your car will help you manage any injuries as you wait for emergency response vehicles to arrive. WebMD recommends keeping a first aid kit in your car just like one you would keep at home. Among items that should be included are bandages, gauze, medical tape, disinfectant, and scissors.

Contact a skilled trial attorney at Kreizer Law today

If you have been involved in an accident, your priority should be making sure you and your family are safe. Once your health and well-being are taken care of, you may wish to evaluate your legal options to receive financial compensation for your injuries. At Kreizer Law, our dedicated team of trial attorneys are committed to helping you receive compensation for your injuries.

For a free consultation, contact us online or call 1‑(800)-4-JUSTICE®1-(800)-458-7842.

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