Fraud Blocker Steps to Take After a Car Accident in NJ & NY
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Steps to Take After a Car Accident in NJ & NY

Nobody expects to get in a car accident when they leave for their morning or evening commute. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are more than six million police reported accidents per year. As a result, it is important to know what to do immediately after a car accident to help ensure your safety and put yourself in a position to be compensated for an accident caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another person.

  • Stay at the Scene – It is important to stay at the scene so you can receive help from first responders and exchange information with the other drivers involved in the accident. If you can, move your vehicle out of the roadway; however, if that’s not possible turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers of the accident.
  • Check on all drivers and passengers – Even in low speed crashes, any occupant inside the involved vehicles could be hurt. After pulling over, check on all parties involved to make sure nobody is hurt. If someone is injured, even if the injury seems minor, they should receive treatment from a medical professional.
  • Exchange information – You don’t have to make small talk with the other driver, but you do need to get their name, address, and phone number as well as their insurance company name and policy number so you can file an insurance claim.
  • Take pictures – Today most people have a smart phone equipped with a camera. Take pictures of any property damage, including vehicle damage, position of the cars, street signs, and license plates. If you don’t have a phone, borrow one. Taking pictures of the accident scene will help you recall the details of the accident later.
  • Consider hiring an attorney – For a minor fender bender, you might wish to handle the insurance claim on your own, but for more serious accidents you may wish to hire a car accident attorney who can represent you during the settlement process.

Skilled legal guidance you can trust

At Kreizer Law, we focus on helping our clients obtain fair compensation for personal injury and property damage. If you have been in a car accident, contact us online or call our offices at 1‑(800)-4-JUSTICE® –1-(800)-458-7842 for a free consultation.

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