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Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Monmouth County, NJ

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Monmouth County, NJ


Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Monmouth County, NJ

Our nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, NJ, knows the wake of devastation when abuse in a nursing home happens. Nursing home residents are a vulnerable part of the population who can be at risk for abuse when they do not receive appropriate care in nursing home facilities. Typically, nursing homes struggle with several issues that may contribute to abuse, such as staff shortages, lack of training, underpaid staff, and administration issues, resulting in subpar standards of care. As the US population ages, nursing home abuse will likely become even more prevalent. Nursing home abuse can take on many forms, and families must take immediate action when abuse is suspected. If you or your loved one has suffered injuries due to nursing home abuse, reaching out to Kreizer Law is imperative. We are dedicated to helping victims of abuse ensure that justice is served. 

Taking Immediate Action

Nursing homes provide critical care that is sometimes needed for the aging population. The decision to access nursing home care is deeply personal. Depending upon the details of your situation, you’ve probably exhausted all available options. For some, accessing care from a nursing home is the most viable solution to ensure that a loved one receives the care. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is quite common. Approximately 24% of the population in nursing home settings have experienced at least one instance of physical abuse. To further elaborate, it’s estimated that these numbers are much higher, as often, abuse is unreported. 

Placing a loved one in a nursing home may leave family members feeling helpless, left to have faith that the facility they have chosen provides their aging loved one with adequate care. However, our Monmouth County, New Jersey nursing home abuse lawyer can share that knowledge is one way to regain control. When family members can recognize the signs of possible abuse and neglect, they will have the ability to mitigate the damages that could follow. Whether you are in the process of looking for a nursing home or have a loved one already in a facility, here are some signs that nursing home abuse may be present:

  • Unexplained Injuries
  • Fractured Bones
  • Bed Sores
  • Signs of Dehydration or Malnutrition
  • Changes in Mental Health
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Agitation
    • Withdrawal
  • Infections
  • Poor Hygiene
    • Unkempt bedding or clothing
  • Improper Administration of Medication

Should you observe any of these warning signs, it’s essential to take immediate action for the health and wellbeing of your loved one by reporting it. Sometimes, abuse may not be known until after the fact, and it will be essential to secure the safety of your aging loved one before further harm is done. 

How a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Could Help You

A nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, NJ can be useful and helpful to you and your family by providing extensive legal services so that your rights are protected. If you believe that a loved one’s safety is in danger then consulting with a lawyer can help you understand how to navigate the next steps. There are many advantages to working with a lawyer, including:

  • Protecting your rights. 
  • Focusing on the well-being of your family member.
  • Negotiating with insurance adjusters.

A nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, NJ can provide you with the knowledge and experience that it takes to understand your specific situation and to determine a course of action to ensure that you and your family’s rights are protected. You most likely don’t have an in-depth understanding of relevant statutes, case law, and procedures, and because you don’t have that skill or knowledge that could mean you could make a mistake that could greatly reduce your payout or prevent you from recovering any compensation whatsoever. If you were fighting on your own that could mean you might overlook critical evidence, leave certain damages out of settlement calculations, or give a statement that could be used to dispute liability, causation, or damages. Navigating your case alone and without the help from a professional could affect your case outcome. 

A nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, NJ can help you navigate the legal system to ensure that you are fairly compensated. Evidence is an important factor in many cases and it can strengthen your claim. A lawyer will be able to conduct an investigation and find key evidence that is still available. Your attorney can file subpoenas to obtain evidence that could be withheld, and a lawyer will understand the types of evidence that could strengthen your claim.

Additionally, a lawyer can assist you with understanding, calculating, and seeking compensation for any medical costs that have been incurred because of the alleged mistreatment. This could include the opportunity to recover non-economic and punitive damages. If you chose to represent yourself, the possibility of overlooking certain types of damages or the opposing party undervaluing the damages is high. It’s important to understand that once you’ve accepted a settlement and signed a release, you won’t be able to seek further compensation from the defendant even if you find out later that the settlement was unfair. 

Working with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, New Jersey, could mean that you are hiring a well-credentialed lawyer who will enforce your rights. This could prove to your opposing party that you are serious about your claims and help them realize that they will need to cooperate. There is a lot that could go wrong when it comes to navigating the course of your claim. However, with a lawyer on your side guiding you through the legalities and the case you can be assured that your case won’t be derailed. A seasoned lawyer can help you avoid mistakes like providing a recorded statement, posting about the case on social media, failing to mitigate the damages, not tracking damages, and failing to keep pertinent documentation throughout your nursing home abuse claim. 

Reaching Out To Our Team

When someone has suffered injuries due to nursing home abuse and neglect, their safety will naturally be at the forefront. However, when these injuries were the result of nursing home abuse and neglect, families should consider taking legal action to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. Our firm specializes in representing victims of nursing home abuse, and we can help by answering questions, reviewing case specifics, and strategizing the proper course of legal action. Kreizer Law is a group of passionate and empathetic lawyers who can help you hold the responsible party accountable for your losses. By reaching out to our nursing home abuse lawyer in Monmouth County, NJ, you can have peace of mind knowing that your case is in the right hands and that the rights of your loved one are protected moving forward. 



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