Why Was My NJ Worker’s Compensation Claim Denied? | Kreizer Law Trial Attorneys
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Why Was My NJ Worker’s Compensation Claim Denied?

If you have suffered a workplace injury, not only is your health jeopardized, but you have also disrupted your career, finances, and possibly the well-being of your family. Fortunately, New Jersey provides medical care and other services to get you back to work as soon as possible. However, it is possible for your claim to be denied. In this article our NJ workers’ compensation lawyer will discuss common reasons claims are denied in New Jersey.

Some common reasons for denied claims


  • Missed deadlinesAccording to New Jersey law, you have 90 days from the date of your workplace accident to report the injury to your employer. However, there are also 14-day and 30-day reporting deadlines. As a result, it is best to report an injury immediately. If you do not report your work-related injury or illness within 90 days, you may lose your right to collect benefits. 
  • Injury disputes – If your injury was not witnessed or you have a pre-existing injury, your employer’s insurance may seek to discredit your claim. Under New Jersey law, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim, regardless of any pre-existing conditions as long as you can prove that a workplace accident aggravated your condition, thus making an otherwise stable condition worse.
  • Meeting Guidelines – New Jersey state law requires you to meet a few basic guidelines to be eligible for workers’ compensation. First, the injury must take place while you are performing a job. Next, your injury must be too serious to be treated with basic first aid. Finally, you must receive a paycheck from your employer with taxes deducted by the state each pay period. If you fail to meet these requirements, your claim may be denied.
  • Left your job – If you are no longer employed by the company where you sustained an injury, the insurance company may be suspicious of your claim. Even if you were laid off for reasons unrelated to your job performance, for example if the company is down-sizing, an insurance company may still be unwilling to fulfill your claim. As a result, it is important to report any injuries as soon as they occur.

Get help from a knowledgeable New Jersey trial attorney


If you sustained an injury on the job in New Jersey, call Kreizer Law today. Our experienced team of trial attorneys are committed to helping you restore your physical, emotional, and financial health. For a free consultation, call 1‑(800)-4-JUSTICE®1-(800)-458-7842 or contact us online to begin evaluating your case.

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